Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Time Came

Many are unaware of my wonderful story of the night before Caleigh came into our here you go!  :) 

I went to the doctor on Monday, August 15th and the doctor told me I hadn't change or progressed any...yes, I was VERY bummed!  But we agreed that if I hadn't gone into labor by Friday morning, I was going to be induced!  I headed home for the evening and to prepare for another day of staff development meetings.  On Tuesday, I woke up around 2 AM with bad back pains, but just thought I had slept wrong.  I went to work and around noon started having contractions and by 2 I could hardly stand during them.  I went into my partners classroom and she was like are you okay?  Before I knew it, I had four other wonderful ladies in the room telling me I needed to go to the hospital.  I was scared and didn't want to go and be turned away again, so I told them I was going to wait, but my partner grabbed my phone and started searching for John's number to call him and tell him I needed to go to the doctor.  Well...she couldn't find him because he isn't in my phone as John, but as Ace In Hole (that's another story for another time!) she finally figured it out and called him and told him to come, but I told him I was going to wait and I'd call him later.  I went back in my room and started working again and before I knew it, I looked up and they had all followed me into my room.  We were laughing and joking until I realized how close the contractions were.  I called John back and he said he was already on his way.  As we waited in the cafeteria for John, my principal came in and couldn't believe she was the last one to know!  John came to school and picked me up and we headed to the hospital.  After sitting in triage for approximately 4 hours, they sent me home.  I was completely devastated and upset.  John's parents rented us a hotel room just in case something happened that night because we live 45 minutes from the hospital.  So, they checked us in and I knew I needed to eat (although I didn't want to).  We decided to go to Cheesecake Factory because that is where we went on our first date.  We shared Fried Mac and Cheese and Orange Chicken (I was hoping the spicy would help!).  I ate my last bite and felt the sudden urge of needing to use the restroom, so I got up to go. I took a couple of steps and ended up running to the bathroom because my water broke in the middle of the restaurant!  Although I was relieved to get the process started, I was DEVASTATED that I had missed getting cheesecake for dessert!  :)  As we headed back to the car, I was so embarrassed because it looked like I had peed in my pants!!! We called the parents and siblings and told them we were headed back to the hospital.  After we got back to the hospital, they checked us in and put us into a room.

After being checked several times, the head nurse came in and asked if I wanted an epidural, but I said I didn't know and to give me a couple minutes because she sprung it on me and the contractions weren't bad.  After talking it over with John, I decided to go ahead and get it!  My doctor called and told them to start pitocin and he was headed to the hospital even though he wasn't on call.  I told them I didn't want to start the pitocin until my parents were there and thank God I did!  After being checked SIX times in twenty-four hours, the head nurse checked me and realized our little Tadpole was breech!  We waited for a sonogram and sure enough...she was!  I never really cared about having to have a c-section (because I'm a c-section baby) until the moment they said it!  I was just emotional and physically exhausted and this added one more thing to that!  But within forty-five minutes, our precious little angel was out!  I'll never forget the moment the doctor told us it was a girl...I was teary eyed! 

Caleigh weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 3/4.  The craziest thing about it is that Caleigh Rose was born on her due 2 hours and 36 minutes!! :)

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